The TEA-LP Course Uptake Workshop (5-9 June 2023) was hosted at Strathmore University in Nairobi Kenya. The workshop brought together new and old partner universities from Sub-Saharan African and welcomed new partners from the Indo Pacific. TEA-LP aims to provide graduates with the diverse skills required to collaborate across disciplines and socio-economic and cultural dimensions to deliver clean energy projects.
The workshop focused on the uptake of the 3 new Master’s level courses
developed by the TEA-LP which are;
Course 1: Local solution for clean energy access
Course 2: Mini-guards;Planning and Design
Course 3: Application for off grid communities
The network is made up of 23 universities, including the Federal University of Technology Owerri, through ACE-FUELS. Participants at the workshop were given the opportunity to present their universities programmes, challenges they face as well as how they would incorporate and adapt the TEA-LP courses and were also taken to the Strathmore Energy Research Centre, where a staff member from the centre showcased the Lab’s solar teaching facilities. ACE-FUELS has incorporated the 3 TEA-LP courses into our MSc Future Energies programme and will launch the modified curriculum from January 2024.